Friday, June 26, 2015

Useful Perceptions

Presuppositions of NLP

NLP makes certain presuppositions as its guiding force. These beliefs are not claimed to be universally true, but are rather a set of ideas that an NLP practitioner presupposes to be true, and then acts accordingly. Every individual, major religion and business has a specific set of beliefs influencing their behavior. That is what the following 13 presuppositions do for believers in and followers of neuro-linguistic programming.

This NLP presupposition is that we are all perfectly implementing our own, unique conscious and subconscious strategies. Understand also that flawed strategies, however perfectly executed, can be changed.

2 – There are no random actions.

Everything you do has a purpose, whether you are aware of it or not.

3 – You always make the best possible choice, giving your mental programming.

NLP presupposes that, even though your behavior may be self-destructive, you are intentionally choosing to act in that particular way.

4 – Choice is better than no choice.

The more choices you give yourself, the more control you have over a particular outcome.

5 –  The Map is not the Territory.

Humans respond to their own experiences, and not to reality.

Your personal sense of the "real world" is absolutely different than anyone else on the planet. This NLP presupposition states that you act on what you see as reality, even if it is not reality in fact.

6 – When people act, they do so because they believe there will be a positive result.

All human behavior is positively intent. Every human being acts in a way that is consistent with their values and beliefs, with the intent that an action will create a positive outcome.

7 – You learn when you do.

Studying is great. Researching is fine. Planning is smart. But if you want to understand anything, your learning comes when you take action.

8 – All human information is assessed through the senses.

This means that when you consciously work to improve your senses, you increase the accuracy of your information, which allows you to think and act more certainly.

9 – You can copycat your way to success.

NLP presupposes that if any one person can do a thing, you can do that thing. You simply model what they do, and implement it yourself.

10 – Your brain and body are intrinsically linked.

No thought you process is an island. Your mind affects your body. Accordingly, your body influences your mind, automatically. When you think in a particular manner, your body actually changes physically. And when your body changes, your mind undergoes a transformation as well.

11 – People have all the resources they need, or the ability to create what they need.

This NLP presupposition believes that not one person on the planet is un-resourceful. There are only un-resourceful states of being. You have everything you need, or you can make it.

12 – There are no failures, just feedback.

When you communicate or act, the response you receive may not be the one you wanted, but that does not mean that you were a failure. There are only responses, feedback, and the changes you make if you desire a different set of feedback.

13 – The unconscious human mind balances conscious existence.

Between your conscious and unconscious states of being, you have everything you need to live a balanced, healthy, full life.

Until next time.....


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