A Wider View of Learning
In working with people in my practice, Ease of Learning, the clients are often dealing with issues associated with academics. When we hear the word "learning", indeed, that is the most common association. Even in that context, however, there is often a fairly limited view. Learning is seen as a way of memorizing facts and information, not much more. Or if it is more, is still is looking at the input of information, and then the ability to regurgitate that information back in the form of exams or essays.
Learning, however, has MUCH wider implications, even in the arena of personal change. After all, we are learning all the time. You don't have to be sitting in a classroom to engage in this process. That word is a crucial key, by the way. PROCESS. Learning is an INTERNAL PROCESS. Going back to academics for a moment, when we say someone is either good or bad in Math, what does that mean? Given two students, who both have fully functional brains, why is one "good" at it, and the other "bad"? Simply, foundationally, it is a matter of the INTERNAL PROCESS. One uses an effective internal strategy, the other does not. However, the other can learn to model that same process. That doesn't happen often with tutoring, that is too superficial. It can be done, though, in fact, I have done it with students.
So, expanding on that, what does it mean when someone is "good" at, say sales, and the other is "bad"? Again, just as in the previous example, both have functional brains. So it HAS to be that the INTERNAL PROCESS is different. One has LEARNED how to maximize their skills, the other either hasn't, OR they have LEARNED to cut their connection with their skills short. Are you starting to see the much wider view of learning? This applies to confidence, behaviors, literally anything.
Sad or depressed? Assuming an absence of any organic issue, this is a LEARNED behavior. From your experiences, you have this learning. See how it works? You can be free by UN-LEARNING this, by changing the root references that you learned it from, in how those references have been INTERNALLY PROCESSED.
Helping people in the arena of learning, for me, has much more far reaching implications than just in the academic forum. You CAN learn how to be confident, you CAN learn to perform better on the job or in your business, you CAN unlearn what may be keeping you stuck. It's all mind-blowing in its implication.
So how do you do this? The technologies of change in NLP and EFT are two of the most elegant, effective and rapid ways I know of doing it. The mind is actually wired for RAPID change and learning, and these two technologies fit the bill perfectly.
Want to know more? Feel free to contact me. Until next time....
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